1. A skilled workforce
Brandenburg offers qualified skilled workers. 63% of the working age population have an upper secondary school leaving certificate, a vocational education and training qualification or a fulltime vocational school qualification. The proportion of those with degree-level qualifications is 30% - significantly above the German average. And unlike in the federal states of Southern Germany and in European regions such as Switzerland or the Netherlands, these workers are also available. Excellent funding and advisory structures are in place to support training. Brandenburg is the first federal state in Germany to deliver economic development and labour promotion services from a single source.

2. Modern infrastructure
Brandenburg lies in an ideal location where three trans-European corridors meet. Since German reunification, work has taken place to achieve the complete modernisation of large stretches of 900 kilometres of national motorways, 3,000 kilometres of railway track, 1,300 kilometres of federal waterways and 12 inland ports. The Berlin orbital motorway creates rapid links into the German Capital from all regions. More than 29 million air passengers pass through Berlin-Brandenburg each year, and it has already established itself as the third largest airport location in Germany.
3. Availability of commercial and industrial sites at cost-effective prices
Brandenburg offers more than 2,000 commercial, industrial and office locations in all areas. These provide easy access to motorways, waterways, airports, to Berlin itself, to the growth markets of Central and Eastern Europe and to Hamburg and Scandinavia. And all of this is available at astonishingly good-value prices. With our team of the Airport Region Berlin Brandenburg we offer a comprehensive range of services for companies that are interested in investing in the Airport Region Berlin Brandenburg- free of charge and individually adjusted. Comprehensive information about the advantages of Airport Region you can find on our website www.airport-region.de.
4. Highest concentration of research in Germany
Berlin-Brandenburg has the highest R&D density in the whole of Germany. Research institutes, universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and a multitude of technological and business start-up centres are all available to act as transfer and cooperation partners for companies.
5. High productivity
Between 1991 and 2014, gross added value per employee in the manufacturing sector in Brandenburg rose by around 650 percent. Brandenburg boasts an extremely high level of modernization investments.
6. Excellent value for money
Companies which invest in Brandenburg receive quality in return. Productivity in East Germany is rising significantly more quickly than in the EU member states of Central and Eastern Europe.
7. Lowest local government taxes in Germany
No other federal state in Germany charges a lower level of trade tax than Brandenburg, where the Trade Tax Index is at 84% of the national average.
8. Best investment incentives
Brandenburg offers a broad range of tailored funding programmes for investments, innovations, skilled workers, business start-up’s, foreign trade and increased energy efficiency.
9. Investor services from a single source
Brandenburg offers investors services from a single source. In its capacity as the business development agency for the State of Brandenburg, the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH - WFBB) provides both guidance and support. It also works in close conjunction with the Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg (ILB), which is responsible for funding management, to form a “one-stop shop”.

10. Excellent quality of life in the region surrounding the German capital
Brandenburg is high on the list when it comes to family friendliness, enjoyment of nature, experience of culture and the pursuit of active leisure. It simply has a lot to offer...